1947                   geboren in Kibbutz Amir, Israel


1968-72              Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Fachbereich Industrie-Design und Architektur, B.A. Jerusalem, Israel

1972-73              Bezalel Academy of Art and Design, Fachbereich Schmuckgestaltung, Jerusalem, Israel

1974-76              Sir John Cass School of Art, London

1977-78              Middlesex Polytechnic (Hornsey School of Art), london

2001-02              Middlesex University, London, M.A.



Auszeichnungen (Auswahl)


1977                   De Beers competition, Belobigung; Diamonds Tomorrow 1977, London, GB

1990                   Signatures: International jewelry competition “Aus Gold und Silber” Belobigung, Schwäbisch Gmünd

1997                   Israel Ministry of Education and Culture Prize for the Encouragement of Artists in the Field of Plastic Arts and Design

2001                   Alix de Rothschild Foundation Prize



Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl)


1984                   Helen Drutt Gallery, Philadelphia, USA

1991                   Bertha Urdang Gallery, New York, USA

1993                   Galerie Equinox, Genf, CH

1996                   Galerie RA, Amsterdam, NL

1998                   Galerie Alfredo Melgar, Madrid, E

2003                   Tel Aviv Museum of Art, “How many is one: Deganit Stern Schocken

2007                   Galerie Spektrum, München, zusammen mit Esther Knobel



Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl)


1987                   Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus, Hanau „Schmuck in Bewegung, Bewegung in Schmuck“

1990                   „Schmuckszene 90“ Internationale Handwerksmesse, München

                            Triennale Européenne du Bijou“ Musée du Luxembourg, Paris, F

1992                   IIIème Triennale du BijouMusée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, F

1994                   „Tel Aviv in the tracks of the Bauhaus“ Office Tel Aviv, Israel

                            “Local Goddesses” Tower of David Museum of the history of Jerusalem, Israel

1995                   Deganit Stern Schocken” Office in Tel Aviv (two person show)

1996                   Bubbles:Station Transformation - Project No. 3”, New Central Bus Station, Tel Aviv, Israel

1997                   “Humanism 2020? The fourth Biennale”, Ein Hod SDculpture Biennale, Ein Hod, Israel

1998-2001         Brooching it Diplomatically: A tribute to Madeleine K. Albright”

                            Museum Het Kruithuis, s’Hertogenbosch, NL

                            Museum of Art and Design, Helsinki

                            Tarbekunstimuseum, Tallinn, Estland

                            Museum of contemporary Art, Oostende, B

                            American Craft Museum, New York, USA

                            The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu, USA

                            Philadelphia International Airport, USA

                            Villa Croce, Genua, I

                            Kunstgewerbemuseum, Berlin

                            Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim

2000                   MaskeRade: Contemporary Masks by fifty artists” Galerie RA, Amsterdam, NL

2001                   “Love at first sight: The Vera, Silvia and Arturo Schwarz Collection of Israeli Art” The Israel Mmuseum, Jerusalem, Israel

2002                   “Chain Reaction: Israeli jewelry II”, Eretz Israel Museum, Ramat Aviv, Israel



Arbeiten in öffentlichen Sammlungen


Brooklyn Museum, NY, USA

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

The Museum of fine Arts, Houston, Helen Williams drutt Collection

Nordenfieldske Kunstindustrimuseet, Trondheim, Norwegen

Racine Art Museum, Wisconcin, USA

Schmuckmuseum, Pforzheim

