Geboren in Poland-1949

Lebt in Israel seit 1950



1968 - 69            Painting, the Institute for Plastic Arts, Bat Yam, Israel

1970 -74            Department of Jewelry, Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, Jerusalem  

1975 - 77           Post graduate studies , Royal College of Art, London (MA.RCA).




1979-81             Hamidrasha , Art Teachers Training College ,Ramat Hasharon, Israel .

1985 - 91           Department of Jewelry, Bezalel Academy of Art & Design, 

                          Jerusalem .

1993 - 94          Departments of Fashion and Textile, Shenkar College of Engineering & Design,

                          Ramat Gan, Israel .

1995-1996        Taught art classes at Givat-Gonen High School, Jerusalem , Artist-Teacher Grant.              

1997 -1999       Design & Art Program , Holon Institute of Technology, Holon, Israel.

1999-2004        Visual Communication Department; Bezalel Academy of Arts 

                         & Design, Jerusalem .

2001-2005        Design & Art program , Holon Institute of Technology. Holon




Gast Dozentin


1984                 Glasgow School of Art, Scotland; Brighton Polytechnic, Farenham  School of Art, England.

1987                 The Royal College of Art, London.

1992                  Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

1994                  The Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam.                         

1996                  School of Visual Theater,Jerusalem.

1998                  The Royal College Of Art , London

                          Middlesex  Polytechnic, London.

2000                  Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam .

                          The International Enamel Symposium, University of West England, Bristol.                    

                          “Body & Sign” Seminar at Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts &

                          Design , Stockholm.

2001                  Department of Jewllery, Shenkar College of Engineering & Design .

2002                 Hiko Mizuno College of Jewelry, Tokyo, Japan

2003                 Silver Art Symposium, Legnica, Poland.

2005                 Escola Massana , Barcelona


2008                 Design Academy , Eindhoven, Holland

2009                 Sint Lucas Antwerpen, Belgium

                         Central st Martins, London






Meister Klassen


      1996                 Instructed a seminar at the Industrial Design Department; Bezalel Academy

                               of Arts & Design

                               Instructed a workshop at Penland School of Crafts, North Carolina, USA.

1997                               Instructed a workshop, Pratt Fine Art Center, Seattle, USA.           

1999                Instructed a seminar at the Department of Jewelry, University of Gothenburg,


      2000                 Instructed a workshop, mid summer program, South Carelia Polytechnic,

                  Lappeenranta, Finland

2005                Instructed a workshop with the Israel Designer Craftsmen Association.

2007                Instructed a workshop with the Israel Designer Craftsmen Association.




Artist in Residence


1983 - 84           London Metropolitan University (Sir John Cass), London.

1992                  Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, Rhode Island, USA

1993                  European Ceramic Work Center, S'Hertogenbosch , Holland

1996                  Penland School of Crafts, Penland North Carolina, USA

1999                  Addenda 2, International Art Symposium (to work in cast iron)   Hamar,


2000                  The12th International Symposium of Jewelry, Turnov, Czech Republic.                                                 



kuratierte Ausstellungen


1989                 "Made in Israel" Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam.

                        "Personal Expression" Museum of Applied Arts, Cologne, Germany (co-curated with

                        Wilhelm Tasso Mattar )


1990                 Since 1990 proposing Israeli participants for “Schmuckszene” – an annual exhibition at

                        The International Handicraft Fair, Munich, Germany.

1998                 "Correspondence" - Five jewelry artists at Periscope Gallery, Tel- Aviv, Israel

1998                 "Studs of Silver" The First Biennale of Israeli Jewelry, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv    

                         (co-curated with Bianca Eshel - Gershuni)

 2003               "Six Individual Voices", V&V gallery, Vienna, Austria. (co-curated with Vered Kaminski)



Jury Mitglied


1997             Jury member, The Israeli Ministry of Education and Culture Prize for Design.  

1999             Assessment of final project, the Jewllery Department at HDK ,  University of Gothenburg,


2001             Jury member, Silver Art Competition " Self Portrait" Gallery of Art, Legnica, Poland                 





Preise und Auszeichnungen:


1974            Distinction, Bezalel Academy of Art and Design.

1975            British Council Scholarship  for Post Graduate Study at the Royal College of Art, London.

1977            Distinction, Royal College of Art.

1986            Alix de Rothschild Foundation Prize for jewelry design , Israel.

1993            Grant from American-Israeli Cultural Foundation to work at the

                    European Ceramic Work Center, s-Hertogenbosch , the Netherlands.

1994            Françoise van den Bosch Prize, the Netherlands.

1996            Artist-Teacher Grant, Ministry of Education, Israel

                    Second Prize, International Judaica Competition, Jerusalem. Shared with Vered Kaminski

                    and Leo Kontini 

                    Invited artist to Penland School of Craft, USA, Israel-North Carolina

                    Exchange Program.

1998            BI Arts Grant to participate in Master class and conference, Edinburgh, Scotland.

1999            Ministry of Education Prize for Jewelry, Israel.

2006            Grants for the creation of an artist book - Israel Lottery Council for the Arts, The Arthur 

                    Goldreich Trust and The Israeli Center for Libraries, Israel.

2007           The Andrea Bronfman Prize for the Arts (“Andy 2008”),Israel.




1983            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam.

1984            Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol, England.

1984            The Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA), London, side show.

1988            Galerie Spektrum, Munich.

1989            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam.

1993           The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland.

1994            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam.

1995            The Israel Museum, Jerusalem. *

1995            Beit Gabriel, Sea of Galilee .

1999            Hnoss Gallery, Gothenburgh, Sweden.

2000            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam.

2000            Gallery Rantapaja, Lappeenranta, Finland.

2001            Verzameld Werk, Gent, Belgium.

2007            Sienna Gallery at SOFA New York.

2008            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, on the occasion of the launching of artist book

2008           The Andy Prize 2008, Tel Aviv Museum

2009            Verzameld Werk, Gent, Belgium



ausgewählte Gruppenausstellungen:


1978           Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, with Pierre Degen   

1980            Debel Gallery, Jerusalem, with Deganit Stern Schoken.

1981            Galerie Ra, Amsterdam, with Vered Kaminski         

1987            Contemporary Applied Arts, London, with Mary Restieaux

                     and Rachel Woodman.

1987            Gallery Mattar, Cologne, Germany with Norbert Walters

1992            Galerie Ra , Amsterdam, with Vered Kaminski.

1992            Kalisher  Gallery , Tel Aviv, with Vered Kaminski.

1992            Special Exhibition, Summer Show, Contemporary Applied Arts, London.

2000            "Poetic License",Julie Artisans Gallery , New York, with Kiff Slemons.

2001            Marijke Studio, Padova, Italy with Vered Kaminski and Deganit Stern Schocken

2002            “Broach,” Gallery Tactile, Geneva, Switzerland with Vered Kaminski and Deganit Stern


2003            “Untitled Dialogue”, Legnica Art Gallery, Legnica and Galeria Bielak,Kraków, Poland with   

                    Wilhelm Tasso Mattar. *

2005            “Speechless,” Hipòtesi Gallery Barcelona, with Vered Kaminski

2007            Galerie Spektrum , Munich , with Deganit Stern Schoken *




1976            “70 years to Bezalel,” Helena Rubinstein Pavilion, Tel Aviv Museum, Tel - Aviv .*

                   "Theme-Jewellery" at the Swiss Industries Fair, Basel , Switzerland.*

1977           Degree Show, Royal College of Art, London.*

                   "Class of 77",  Arnolfini Gallery , Bristol, England.

1978-79       Group Shows: Serafijn, Utrecht; Gallery Flora,Eindhoven

                    Nouvelles Images,Den Haag, the Netherlands

1980           "Sieradden in Singer,”  Singer Museum, Laren, the Netherlands.

                   " Schmuck International 1900-1980" Vienna, Austria. *

1981           "Fancy Goods", Ralph Turner’s collection of popular jewelry, UK tour*

                   Gallery Alef,Tel Aviv;

1982            “Schmuck und Gerat”  Internationale Handwerksmesse, Munich.*

                   "The Makers Eye", Craft Council Gallery , London.*

                   "Tendezen" Schmuck Museum , Pforzheim, Germany.*

                   "Jewellery Redefined", British Craft Center", London *

                   "Views on Jewellery,” Stedlijk Museum ,Amsterdam.

1983           "Material,” Sonderschau ,Munich *

                  “Kunstmanifesaatie,” Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam.

                   "The Jewellery Project",Craft Council Gallery, London .*

1984            The Shipley Jewellery Collection, Sunderland Arts Centre, Sunderland and UK tour.

                    International Exhibition of Contemporary Jewellery, National Museums

                    of Modern Arts, Kyoto and Tokyo, Japan. *

                    “Contemporary Jewelry- Europe” Craft Museum, New York *

                   "Cross Currents", Power House Museum, Sydney, Australia.*

                   "Modern Jewelry -1964-1984" Hellen Drutt Collection, USA Tour.

                   “European Jewelry - New Directions,” Maple Hill Gallery, Portland, USA.

                   "Body Works and Wearable Sculpture", Visual Art Center of Alaska *

1985            “Contemporary Jewelry Redefined: Alternative Materials,” Pittsburg

                    Center for the Arts, Pittsburg, USA.

                   “Vrije Vormgeving” from The Stedlijk Museum Collection, Museum Fodor, Amsterdam

                   “New Traditions - The Evolution of Jewellery :1966-1985,” The British Craft Centre, London*

            “Figurative Jewellery,” Galerie Spectrum, Munich and European tour.*

                   "Die Neue Ausserlickeit" ,Handwerkskammer,Cologne, Germany.*

                   “New Jewellery” , Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden*

1986          “Figurative,” open members exhibition, British Craft Centre, London

                   “Clocks,” Cactus Gallery ,Tel Aviv

                   “10 Years Ra,” Galerie Ra Amsterdam *

1987           "Joieria Europa,” Centre de Cultura Contemporania de Barcelona, Barcelona *

                   "Zeichen am Korper", Museum Francisco - Corolinum, Linz, Austria *

                   "Biennale du Bijou", Hotel de Sens, Paris *

                   "Bezalel Graduate," The Palevsky Design Pavilion, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem *

1988            Cleveland Contemporary Jewelry Collection, UK tour

                    “10 Years Galerie Metal,” Galerie Metal, Copenhagen, Denmark *

                   "Jahresgaben 88,” Dusseldorf, Germany  *

1989            “Ornamenta,” The Schuckmuseum, Pforzhiem, Germany *

                   "Personal Expression," Museum of Applied Arts, Cologne , Germany  *

1990           “European Jewellery and Metal” - International Craft Triennial, Perth, Australia *

                   "Jewelry : Means and Meaning," Ewing Gallery of Art, University of

                    Tennesse , Knoxville, USA *

                    Rezak Gallery, Chicago, USA

1991           "Jehi Or" Jewish Museum, Frankfurt, Germany *

                   "The Banqueting Table," Galerie RA, Amsterdam  *

                   "Salvaged! Art in a Throwaway world”, South Bank Center, London.

                   "Arsenals - Aggression in Jewellery,” Museum of Applied Arts, Frankfurt, Germany *

1992            IIIème Triennale du Bijou, Musée des Arts Decoratifs, Paris, France.*

1993            Galerie Ra at Marijke studio, Padova , Italy.

                     “Holography and Jewellery,” Museum of Applied Arts , Cologne, Germany.

                     “7 Schmckmachers,” Gallery Rahmel,Cologne, Gaermany.

                     “Tekens en Ketens,” Museum Van der Togt, Amstelveen, the Netherlands*

1994             “Local Goddesses,” Tower of David Museum, Jerusalem.*

1995            "Object\Object", Herzlya Museum of Art. Herzlya, Israel*

                    "The Jewel: Sign and Symbol",Koningin Fabiolazaal, Antwerp, Belgium*

1996             Kunstmanifestatie, Amsterdam .

                     The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland.

                    "Sixties Revival", Gallery Michèle Zeller, Bern, Switzerland

                    "Passion +Profession", 20 years Galerie Ra, Amsterdam *

                    "Design of the Times: One Hundred Years of the Royal College of Art,” RCA, London *

1997             Opening Show, Periscope Gallery for Design, Tel Aviv.

                     “New Conceptual Jewellery,” a project by Chi ha Paura, Milan Design Fair,Milan, Italy

1998             "Friendship Rings"  M.Zeller Gallery, Bern, Switzerland

                    "Jewellery Moves" - an International Jewellery Show, National Museum of

                     Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland *

                     Galerie Ra at the Rai Fair, Amsterdam

                    "Studs of Silver", The First Biennale of Israeli Jewelry, Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv *

                    "Narratives", The Museum of Art and Design, Helsinki, Finland *

                    " Brooching It Diplomatically: A Tribute to Madeleine K. Albright”,

                    Museum Het Kruithuis, S'Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands *

                    "Pin Up", The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland

                     “Good Kids, Bad Kids", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem    *

1999             “70 Designers in Tribute to Izika Gaon,” The Israel Museum, Jerusalem .*

                     “Malerei und Objekte,” Rathaus Schoneburg, Berlin, Germany.

2000             "All Adornament -Jewellery 1960-2000,” the Jewellery Collection of

                    Inge Asenbaum, Design Museum, Zurich, Switzerland *

                    "Fired with Colour,"  20th Century Enameling, Aberdeen Art Gallery, Scotland and the

                     The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, Scotland *

2001          "Micromegas", Galerie für angewandte Kunst, Munich, Germany, The Craft Museum,

                     New York,Gallery Yu, Tokyo, Japan and the John Curtain Gallery, Perth, Australia *

                    "Maskerade" ,Galerie Ra ,Amsterdam *

                    "Self Portrait", Galeria Sztuki, Legnica, Poland.*

                    “Figurative Trends in current Israeli Design,” The Heder Gallery,Tel Aviv *

                    " Borrowed Objects", Curatorial project by Witzo Haifa College ,at the Cinematheque, Haifa* 2002            "Zero Karat", The Donna Schneier Gift, Muesuem of Arts & Design (MAD), New York *

                    Schmuck 2002, Internationale Handwerkmesse, Munich  *

                    "Sense of wonder" Chi Ha Paura Project at the Milan Furniture Fair and

                     Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam *

                    " Meeting Art", The Jerusalem Artists House, Jerusalem *

                    " Spoons", Galerie Ra, Amsterdam  *

                    "Chain Reaction", Eretz  Israel Museum, Tel Aviv *

                    "BLUR", Stedelijk Museum , Amsterdam

  2003          “Head Guard: Design Takes on Risk,” Bezalel Gallery, Tel Aviv  *               

                    "Six Individual Voices", V&V gallery, Vienna

                    "First Flowers of Israeli Art", The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

                     “Exhibition in Print,” SOFA, Chicago  *

                    " Valuable Links", Centre Ceramique, Masstricht, the Netherlands*

  2004          "Birthday Party,” The Gallery of Art, Legnica, Poland.*

  2005          " Beaten Gold", Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv  *

                    "Francoise van den Bosch, Tijdgenoten en Jong Talent" CODA museum, Apeldoorn, the


                    "Possession of Purpose", Sienna Gallery at Sofa Chicago . *

  2006          "Tides", Gallery Agripas 12 , Jerusalem

                    " Parures", Nîmes and French tour *

                    "Radiant" 30 Years to Galerie Ra, Amsterdam *

                    "Women's Tales" Racine Art Museum (RAM) and USA tour *

                     25 years to Galerie Spectrum, Munich .*

 2007           "On a Small Scale" Jerusalem Print Workshop, Jerusalem .*

                    " Hnoss 10 Years Jubilee exhibition", Rhoss Museum, Gothenburg, Sweden *

                    “Heaven and Earth” ,Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv*

                    “Jewellery with enamel,” Museum Vlakglas - en Emaillekunst, Ravenstein, the Netherlands*

                    "Exhibition in print", A Metalsmith Exhibition at SOFA , Chicago  *    

2008            COLLECT”, Victoria & Albert Museum (V&A), London. - represented by Galerie Ra *

                    Schmuck 2008 , Munich  *

                    "Crafting A Culture", Loupe Gallery, Montclair, New Jersey, USA

                    "Jewellery in transition", Glynn Vivian Art Gallery, Swansea , Uk

                    Elegant Armor: The Art of Jewelry;Museum of Art &Design ;New York

2009                 Cut,Stitch,Fold: Aaron faber gallery ,New York

                 "Collect", Saatchi Gallery, London – represented by Galerie Ra





Arbeiten in Sammlungen:

The Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

The Museum of Applied Arts, MAK, Vienna, Austria.

The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, Israel

Museum Het Kruithuis ,s'-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands

Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan.

The Museum of Decorative Art, Montreal, Canada

The Museum of Art & Design (MAD), New York, USA

The National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, Scotland

The Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France

Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, Bristol, England

Museum  Cesk'eho Raje ,Turnov, Czech Republic

Racine Art Museum (RAM), Wisconsin, USA

The Cleveland Craft Centre, Middlesborough, England.

The Helen Williams Drutt Collection, The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Texas, USA

Rohss  Museum, Gothenborg, Sweden

Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

Schmuk Museum, Pforzhiem, Germany

The Shipley Jewellery Collection, England

The New Collection, Munich, Germany

Pittsburgh Center for the Arts, USA

The Crafts Board of Australian Council, Sydney, Australia.

McAlpine Collection, England.

The Knapp Collection, New York, USA

Rotasa Foundation, California, USA

Collection Inge Asenbaum, Vienna, Austria. 

Benno Premsela Collection , the Netherlands.